Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 182 - embroidery thistle

my first embroidery!


Day 181 - dust and ash

in honor of ash wednesday...

remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return.

Day 172 - 180: Day M-U

Letters M - U

m for magnolia.

n for narcissus.

o for orange.

p for poppy.

Q for queen anne's lace.

R for radish.

s for squash.

T for tree.

T for tomatoes; T for tulip.

u for umbrella.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 171 - melted crayons

Here's one from the book. "Work with crayons."

I saw this idea on a link through Pinterest. Stick peeled crayons in a hot glue gun to melt them. So, I got a pack of crayons, an 8"x8" canvas, and a cheap glue gun, knowing it would get wrecked by doing this. I didn't know if it would actually work or not, but it did! There was something extremely satisfying about making such a mess. Unfortunately, the blue/indigo/violet section ended up mostly looking like black in the photo.

More of the lettering series will be coming soon...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 166 - 170: Letters I - L, and Abe Lincoln

Day 166, Letter I:

While I was looking up what kind of plants start with the letter "I", I came across this one, ipomoea. It is basically the plant that is better known as morning glory. I know morning glory well. Although, I have to admit that it is pretty, I don't know that I can say I am fond of it. I have done battled with it while gardening. I spent a whole morning last summer un-twining it from a grapevine that was being choked by it. The stuff is relentless. So, here is a Letter I, being overtaken by ipomoea.

I for ipomoea (also known as morning glory)

Day 167, Letter J:

J for Joshua Tree. Hint: the "J" is upside-down.

Day 168, Abraham Lincoln's birthday (Feb. 12):

abe. famous for his hat and beard. and his ideas of equality.

Day 169, Letter K:

K for kale! flat-leaf and curly-leaf.

Day 170, Letter L:

L for lavender.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 165: wire flower

A small wire-crafted flower:

Day 158 - 164: Letters B-H

Letters of the alphabet from the past few days...

B for bachelor buttons

C for calla lily (sort of)

D for dinosaur...if dinosaurs could climb like insects.

E for edelweiss...which can grow in rocks.

F for foxglove...which makes me think fondly of Scotland.

G for gerbera daisy.

H for hyacinth.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 157: groundhog

Today is Groundhog Day. To me, this is one of the weirdest holidays/traditions that Americans do. I kind of love it, just for its weirdness. Here is my tribute to the groundhog, in drawing and in words.

G roundhogs are obscure little
R odents.
O ne day a year, in Punxatawney, Pennsylvania, a man in a top-hat pulls one
U p from his
N est of hibernation.
D oes he predict the weather patterns?
H ow soon will the spring come?
O nly the groundhog knows, by looking for his shadow.
G o back to sleep, groundhog, and wait for the spring.