Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 83 - 88: a little of this, a little of that

Catch-up time! 

Day 83: "Make a visual pun."
butter. cup. buttercup.

Day 84: "Decorate a cake, pie, or cookie. ... Document it being eaten."
gingerbread cake.
ready to eat.

Day 85: "What can you do with a candle?"
i drew a flower with a candle, then painted over it.

Day 86: "Work only with bubble wrap or any other packing materials you have on hand."
tiny tulip made from a packing peanut & a pipe-cleaner

Day 87: "Use dry coffee beans, dry or wet coffee grounds, or even liquid coffee to create something today."
used coffee grounds from my toddy maker.

Day 88: "Make something with any nuts, bolts, screws, or nails you have lying around."

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