Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 202 - 206

Day 202
I made this delicious dessert - blackberry coconut crumble bars. It was gluten-free and vegan. And it didn't last long. Recipe was from here.

vegan gluten-free blackberry coconut crumble bar.

Day 203
March 24 was the one-year anniversary of owning my house! Perfectly coinciding with the blooming of these lovely tulips that I planted last fall.

front-yard tulips

Day 204
Another needle-felted mushroom, which is a birthday gift for a friend.

mushroom in oregano

Day 205
Flower photography.

tulip pollen.

Day 206
More flower photography.

cherry blossoms.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 200 - 201: miniature chair and embroidered leaves

Day 200
Embroidery leaves

Day 201
Tiny chair made from a champagne cage. Saw the idea on Pinterest; here is the link.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 196 - 199: four-leaf clover, wire word, hallway decor, DIY hand soap

Day 196:
Four-leaf clover pin made from felt. I snagged the idea from here.

lucky clover.

Day 197:
Word from wire.


Day 198:
I've been working on this for several months. Trying to determine the configuration, deciding which photos to hang, getting the photos printed, etc. Finally made it happen! I just need to get a mat for the photo that will go in the white frame in the middle.

hallway decor.

Day 199:
Home-made liquid hand soap. Made from a bar of soap, some liquid glycerin, and water. Take that, expensive soap refills! I got the "recipe" from here.

grating the cheese....i mean, soap.

melting the soap with a gallon of water + 2 tbsp of liquid glycerin.

over a gallon of liquid soap!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 191 - 195: wires, rock art, and cooking

Day 191
I visited someone in ICU this weekend. It wasn't as bad as I had braced myself for, but still not a comforting experience. So many wires. Life-sustaining wires (TV wires also). Of course I am reminded of the Athlete song, "Wires".


Day 192
I made a batch of sweet potato and honey rolls. I snagged the recipe from here. Yum! Fluffy, sweet goodness.

sweet potato rolls!

Day 193
Cauliflower soup, from this recipe. Pretty dang delicious.

cauliflower soup.
Day 194
Rock art.


Day 195
More cooking. Here is a lovely quinoa salad I made, with spinach, cilantro, tomato, avocado, and all things delicious. The recipe is from here.

yummy quinoa salad.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 190: needle-felted mushroom

Day 189: St. David's Day

March 1st is Saint David's Day, basically the national holiday of Wales, since Saint David is the patron saint of Wales. I have a small amount of Welsh ancestry; my family name is of Welsh origin. So, I feel a little bit of a connection to Wales. I found it to be a beautiful place when I visited the Pembrokeshire coast a few years ago.

So, here is a little Welsh flag pieced together with scraps of fabric.

cymru am byth.

Day 188: Leap Day!

Leap Day. It only comes once every four years. I really don't know why a bigger deal isn't made of Leap Day. Although, I did thoroughly enjoy 30 Rock's episode last week all about Leap Day celebrations and "Leap Day William". Hilarious.

Anyway, I had hoped to possibly do some photos of people jumping/leaping in the air, inspired by this NPR feature. But, I ended up having a really rough day at work, and just needed to disappear from the world after work, so no photos happened. I just ended up doing a little sketch.


Day 183 - 187: Letter V - Z

V for vanilla bean.

W for wheat.

X for x-files.

Y for yams.

Z for zipper.

Today I happened to see a link on Pinterest to this amazing set of alphabet illustrations. They are absolutely beautiful! Go look at it!