Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 40 - acorn

"Think big. Create a large version of something that would normally be much smaller."

I was thinking about things that are really small, and I thought of seeds. I didn't think it would be very exciting to draw a seed. And then I thought about acorns, because they are everywhere this time of year, and they are also seeds (well, I guess technically an acorn is a nut which contains a seed.

Acorns are pretty amazing, actually. They are relatively small, when you think about how huge an oak tree can grow. I also remember a professor using them as an analogy back in school - something about the length of time that it takes them to grow into an oak tree. It's a long time. But, anything that is worth growing or creating requires a little seed, some work, and a lot of patience and waiting.

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