Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 46 - tower of learning

"How tall can you make something that stands up on its own?"
89 books. 75 inches tall.
So, this is not exactly standing up on its own. It is pretty much leaning against the wall. But this was my best idea. Stack a bunch of books up as high as they will go.

Some of them are old text books (why do I still have them?!)
Some are beloved kids' books ("The Sneetches")
 Some are books I've read many times ("1984")
Some have been on my "books to read" shelf for quite a while ("Fortunate Son")
I'm part-way into several of them ("The Body Project", "The Gifts of Imperfection")
And a few of them I've just recently acquired ("An Introduction to Pottery", "A Walk in the Woods")

I like books. I think you can never have too many of them. But, I recommend only stacking them up in tiny towers, not towers to the ceiling. It doesn't work.

(The title of this post is a reference to the Rufus Wainwright song of the same name.)

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