Day 112:
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Day 56, I made some fused plastic. Now that I have a functional sewing machine, I decided to make a little pouch with it.
Day 113: "Find or buy a kit of some sort, get rid of the instructions, and make something that's not at all like the intended result."
What's the fun of throwing away the instructions?! Usually when I buy a kit of something, I actually want to do that thing. Like, for example, this Sunprint Kit that I got at the national gallery of art when I visited there this summer. So, I did follow the instructions. Here is what I made:
sunprints. buttons, owl, hope.
Day 114: "Take an existing postcard and alter it, then send it to a random address after documenting it."
I found some very special antique postcards at a vintage/antique market this weekend. The one that I bought is below. I didn't actually alter it, because I think to do so would be a travesty. It has a post-mark of 1910 on it. But, I did frame it to put on my wall.
Crazy vintage postcard of a giant rabbit, and a hunter throwing a jar of salt on the rabbit's tail. The text says: " 'Salted' So easy. Put salt on their tails."
The back of the postcard has a hand-written note that says:
"Fall River Aug 14 - 10
Am just having
a fine time. Suppose
you did too while
you were visiting.
Tell Esther I wish she
was here we would have
a time. I am going to
church so must hurry.
Mrs. E.A.R."
Also, I like how, in 1910, you only had to write the name, city, and state of the person you were sending mail to. No street address. No zip code. In Pratt, Kansas, the postman knew how to get mail to Mrs. Austin Gebhart. I love it. How far we have come in 111 years. For better and for worse.